Zhao – TCM

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Doctor will take time to listen and thoroughly review your condition during your first visit.
You can expect to talk about how your condition is viewed according to a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. You will also learn about factors that may make your case condition better or worse and various different therapy options to achieving and maintaining health.
Doctor is a graduate of China’s top Medical University (Beijing Medical University) with extensive training in both western (oncology) and traditional Chinese medicine. Doctor has years of academic and clinical experience in Canada and China in treating disease and pain.
Because of his background, Doctor is able to combine and incorporate the best of western and Chinese medicine.
Doctor’s approach to treating various ailments and disease is based on the concept of Balance and promoting the body to heal itself.
This is very different compared to western medical therapies which are typically ‘Anti’ or ‘Replacement’ focused.
Examples of ‘Anti’ therapy would include opiate and chemical drugs used to mask the disabling sensation of chronic pain or radiation therapy to kill malignant cells. Examples of ‘Replacement’ therapy would include Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) which involves the introduction of synthetic chemicals to treat menopause in women.
Unfortunately, these methods often have undesired costs such as drug addiction/resistance, unwanted side effects and indiscriminate and nonspecific killing of both healthy and disease cells.
You have probably seen the Yin-Yang symbol-whose origin is from Chinese Taoist philosophy, which believes that all things in the universe have an element of opposing but complimentary Yin and Yang properties and turmoil arises when these forces are out of balance.
This philosophy is pervasive in Chinese medicine which contends that disease is the result of imbalances in the body.
Many ailments such as depression, insomnia, weight gain, hot flashes, high blood/sugar levels, headaches, infertility experienced by Doctor’s patients are the result of hormone, immune, energy or circulatory imbalances in the body.
Many of these ailments can be successfully treated with the combination of acupuncture and Doctor’s proprietary, all-natural Ying Yang Balance™ capsules or Qi Blood Balance™ capsules.

Patients undergoing acupuncture and herbal therapy treatment typically experience the following 3 phases in their path to healing:
Response Phase: This phase is when your body begins to respond to the benefits of acupuncture and herbs. Patients typically feel better and some relief from their condition but some may feel worse as their body begins to adjust to treatment.
Patients on average reach this phase after 3 to 5 treatment sessions; however, each person is unique and their bodies heal at different rates.
Balance Phase: Patients will generally experience an improvement in their energy levels, better sleep and improved mood. However, some may experience flare ups of their underlying ailment during this phase as their body’s immune and energy levels begin to achieve equilibrium. Patients usually reach this phase between 5 to 10 treatment sessions.
Stabilization Phase: This is phase when the underlying ailment, such as chronic pain, has subsided. The patient begins to feel good as total or the greater part of their symptoms have receded.
Occasional maintenance sessions, with a frequency of several months between visits, are encouraged to ensure patients continue to benefit from their initial course of treatment and also in achieving optimal health.

Doctor is committed to providing his patients with an integrated approach to achieving optimal health and well being.
He has successfully treated over 10,000 patients since opening his first clinic in Calgary in Year 2000 and has helped thousands of patients achieve positive results through a combination of acupuncture and natural herbs:

The initial consultation fee is $50.00 (one- time fee) and takes approximately 20 minutes.
Above all, the quality of your care is Doctor’s Number one priority.

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